VetX:Thrive is a learning, mentoring and networking community for young veterinarians who want to learn how to enjoy their career and thrive.
Wherever you are on planet earth, we invite you to join, learn, contribute and grow.
Whatever direction your career takes, VetX:Thrive is there for you and will help you reach your goals faster and create friends all over the planet who have your back. Welcome to the VetX:Thrive Community.
The VetX:Thrive Community
Do you suffer from imposter syndrome and want to free yourself from the negative thoughts that hold you back?
Do you want to extend your learning beyond University and develop the real skills that will help you become a successful veterinarian quickly? (Hint - they are not clinical skills).
Do you want to learn how to prevent burnout, build your mental resilience and be happy with your awesome life as a vet?
Do you want to avoid the stress of being sued as a vet?
Is support in your first 1-3 years after graduation important to you so you don’t feel isolated or left behind?
Do you want to learn how to handle pet owners so they are a joy in your day, not a hassle and source of stress?
Is accelerating your learning and clinical skill development a priority?
Do you want to know how to spot a good practice from a bad one?
Would you like to learn how to get what you want from your boss (including new equipment and a pay rise) without annoying or upsetting them in the process?
Do you feel completely unprepared for the financial side of life as a vet?
Would you like to learn how to earn the salary you deserve for all those years of study, pay off your debts, and be able to afford a house?
If the answer is yes to any (or all) of these questions then the VetX Graduate Accelerator Program is the best investment you can make in your future.
About The VetX:Thrive Community
VetX:Thrive is a vibrant, active online community of like-minded, young vets who share the same goal, to be successful and happy in their job. It’s a unique, independent, educational, networking and mentoring group for recent veterinary graduates who want to accelerate their career by learning from some of the world’s most experienced and successful trainers and mentors.
The global program director, Dr Dave Nicol, is the author of the book “So You’re A Vet... Now What?” and has been directly mentoring veterinary graduates across the world for the last decade. He pioneered the first ever “internship” in general practice for Australian vets who wanted to focus on a career as a GP. He has created clinical training programs for graduates India and he is the creator of the Graduate Friendly Practice Program deployed by Vetsure through their network of 400 member practices across the UK.
In short, there are few people better qualified to mentor young vets.
VetX:Thrive was created after surveying and listening to the needs of hundreds of recent veterinary graduates. Plus it was clear from interviews with vets just like you that difference between a happy vet and a one who struggles in their career is down to four factors:
1. What level of support you receive from your boss, practice and network.
2. What development and growth opportunities are available - both clinically and non-clinically.
3. What level of connection you form with your clients, peers and the wider profession. Do you feel part of "the team" on every level?
4. Whether you know how to foster and maintain an optimistic and resilient mindset.
Sadly, these are areas that Universities do not have time to teach and are either poorly catered for in practice after graduation or available only through very expensive training courses that leave little budget available for clinical education.
The VetX:Thrive community changes that by combining teaching, mentoring and peer networking to create an experience that allows you to work in practice while receiving the best veterinary “life” education and support from your mentors.
The result is an immersive and transformative experience in a community where you will grow as an individual, feel supported and be part of something special.
Why Join VetX:Thrive?
The first few years of your career as a vet is an exciting, but often bewildering time. The sad truth is that too many of your peers will become overwhelmed or burnout out within 12-24 months post-graduation and feel like there is no option but to leave the profession. This is a tragedy. Can you imagine investing all of that time, energy and money, only to see your dream become a nightmare and quit? Perhaps you are at this point yourself?
While this outcome is sad, it is entirely avoidable (and recoverable) problem, but only if you focus on learning the right skills and have a strong support network. VetX Graduate provides both of these things.
But we’d be lying if we said our ambition is for you to not to burn out! Being happy enough to enjoy your work is the bare minimum required! VetX:Thrive is about way more than this. It’s about helping you to overcome your challenges, find your feet and give you the tools to take control and have an awesome career. To live life on your own terms. No less will do. So, if that sounds good, then read on.
The VetX:Thrive Teaching Schedule
The VetX:Thrive is an ongoing community which offers an entirely immersive and unique combination of learning and support to help you grow. There are four elements that combine to form a complete learning experience and online community.
Element One: Non-clinical skills training
There are ten monthly webinars focusing on the critical fundamentals no-one ever teaches you at Vet School, but are essential to understand if you want a successful career. Here’s just some of what you will learn:
Module 1: Welcome to VetX: Planning Your Career & Smashing F.E.A.R.
Module 2: The Happy, Healthy Vet: How to avoid burnout, and build resilience.
Module 3: The secret equation for the art of persuasion: How to build amazing client relationships to help pets from the exam room.
Module 4: Time Management Mastery - learn the skills that help create time and keep your job from becoming overwhelming.
Module 5: Money Ninja: In practice (earning money for you and your practice) & in Life (building your future wealth).
Module 6: Leadership Lessons 1: - what is it and why we are all leaders, even as new graduates. Plus the first 4 leadership lessons that will change your life.
Module 7: Leadership Lessons 2: - the final four leadership lessons that will change your life.
Module 8: Emotional intelligence 101. Your passport to a happy, healthy life with great relationships.
Module 9: Negotiation skills: how to get what you want and keep others happy too.
Module 10: Clinical Protocols - friend or foe?
Module 11: Mind and body training to battle anxiety, pain and depression.
Module 12: Building a personal brand - why you should & how to do it.
Element Two: Live "Hotseat" Mentoring Sessions
Each month there will be a mentor facilitated live “Hot Seat” session in each of the three time zones - USA, UK & Australia each month (36 in total through the year). During these sessions, community members can send in their challenges for one of our expert mentors to give advice. The cases will be selected from the VetX:Thrive Facebook Group or based on your journal entries.
Community members will be invited to present their challenge “live” in the online "hot seat", but for those of a more introverted nature it is not compulsory to do so and you can post your problem via the community group. The hot seat sessions are one of the highest value parts of the course.
Any member from any time zone can attend any hot seat session, but questions from community members in the same timezone as their timezone mentor are given priority.
All sessions are recorded and will be available to listen again on demand in the VetX:Thrive membership website. The questions asked are all collated into a searchable resource for easy future reference when you face challenges and need answers called "The VetX Mentor Vault".
Element Three: Monthly Rockstar Sessions
Each month we bring you a live webinar with a rockstar in the world of veterinary medicine. The topics vary widely and might be clinical, they might be about mindset, they might be something completely out of the ordinary to make you think. But they will always help you to take another step in the road to being a better veterinarian or person!
All webinars are recorded and added to the members area so you can listen again at your leisure.
Element Four: The Facebook community - Support, Collaboration & Networking
Everyone in the VetX community will be encouraged to keep an online journal of daily events as a way of helping to “unpack” the clinical and relationship-based wins and challenges faced each week. Plus, everyone will be given a place within a closed VetX Facebook Community Group where problems can be shared and discussed within the peer group. The class mentors check into the online community daily so the level of support here is huge. (It's our favorite bit of the group).
Element Five: The Mentor Vault
All of our live training sessions are recorded and in the mentor vault we clip out the nest, most relevant answers and create a smaller searchable clip to you can find answers to common questions fast. Got a problem client you struggle to deal with? No problem, just search for "how can I improve my client communications" to get your 15-minute "pep talk" from one of our mentors.
Who is VetX:Thrive suitable for?
The VetX:Thrive community is open to anyone who holds a veterinary degree, want to learn how to deal with problems or fast track their career. It's also for those who wish to be part of a wider community who cares about each other.
We love people who:
1. Want to grow quickly and are willing to take responsibility for growth and development.
2. See the value in investing a small amount in their education for ongoing huge payoffs in the form of happier relationships, better cash flow and skill development and becoming part of a community of satisfied high-achievers.
3. Are starting a role in a smaller practice and do not have the support available you’d ideally like.
4. Work within a larger or busy practice where time always seems to be short, so are not getting the level of support or non-clinical training you want from your practice (no blame game here - we know how hard it is to find time for effective mentoring and teaching in general practice).
5. Are stressed out and are struggling to find their way in veterinary medicine.
6. Understand that there is a far faster way to develop by learning from those who have gone before.
Who is this not for?
Anyone who wants a “success formula” spoon-fed and expects results. No such thing exists. No-one achieves success without putting in the work. But if you are willing to practice what you learn, then you will have a great start to your career.
If you don’t like being part of a group and interacting with others then this class may be a poor fit. Part of the joy of a group like this is the social interaction and connection you will form with your colleagues. You’ve got to give to get.
If you hate having fun at the same time as learning then definitely do not apply! VetX:Thrive will certainly challenge you. But we'll do so in a fun and caring and compassionate way.
How much does it cost to become a member of the VetX community?
Considering the support and training from world-class trainers and mentors, plus you will have access to all of the materials developed as you go through the year, you might think that a course of this nature costs thousands. (And it probably should). But because we are super passionate about helping young vets to get a great start in their career, we wanted to make this affordable for everyone.
As such the investment is very low. In fact, the full course (including 12 months of mentoring support) is available for just $300/year (approximately ~£200/year) as a monthly recurring payment of only $25/month.
Course fees are set and payable in US dollars, but we accept payment from global credit cards. Prices are exclusive of sales tax (where applicable).
Just think about the return on this small investment.
The skills you develop in VetX:Thrive will help you to become more resilient and enjoy your career.
You will have much better relationships with your clients and team. Happy relationships = huge life benefit.
You will probably earn at least more than 10 per cent more for your clinic as a result of what you learn. Which means you are worth more and can negotiate a better raise! (This does depend on you using what you learn and is not guaranteed).
And as this is an investment in your education, it is very likely that your practice will pay for it from your allocated CE/CPD budget. And even if not, then this is a tax-deductible expense (so you can get a large percentage of the fee back by filing a tax return).
Is building a huge level of happiness and connection to the career you love, plus earning what you are worth a good return for this daily investment? We think so. In fact, we think it's a no-brainer.
How do you apply?
To join and pick up the tools, tactics and strategies that will help you to rapidly accelerate your development, become happy as a vet and develop a network of like-minded peers as a part of the VetX:Thrive Community, then apply today by clicking the button below.
University set you up with the basic clinical skills needed to survive. VetX:Thrive gives you the life skills and community you need to thrive.
Listen to what current community members are saying...
Vicky, UK.
Ann & Michael, USA.
An interview with a VetX UK community member
Dr. Emma Hammond on why she wanted to join the class.
"VetX:Thrive Community members have a huge advantage over their peers. The compound interest on the knowledge acquired at this early stage in a young vet's career is massive."
Dr Dave Nicol
VetX:Thrive Founder

©2017-20 Dr Dave Nicol. All rights reserved