About Dr. Dave
Hi, I’m Dr Dave Nicol,
These ‘About Me’ pages are weird, awkward beasts aren’t they? You’re expected to write about yourself in the third person, puff up your chest and tell the world just why you are totally awesome in an entirely toe-curling sort of way.
Mostly, they are a kind of awful cringe-fest. So, this is my effort at something a little different.
Instead of me talking distantly about myself I’m going to write like we just met and we’re having a chat, which (when you think about it) is almost exactly what this is… the start of a conversation and, possibly, a relationship between us.
So the question you probably came here to answer was, “Who is Dr Dave Nicol, and why is he worth spending my time on?”
That's a great question, so let be start with my reason for being.
I believe that everyone can be successful and happy in veterinary medicine. So, my work now involves finding other people who believe this, and want to make it a reality, then helping to make their dream come true.
Sometimes these people are vets or nurses struggling to find their place. Other times it's CEOs of multimillion-dollar businesses who want to change direction.
The client and the size of the task may change, but the reason for working with me does not. When we work together, then we will be working to help you find success, achieve your objectives and leave this industry and planet better because we worked together. And we'll do that not by chance, but by using the systems, tools and frameworks I've developed and used to build not only my career but the careers and businesses of thousands of people all over the world.
I've been a veterinary surgeon for over 20 years, and I've been running veterinary businesses for over a decade. In that time, I've been a head vet of two multi-doctor teams (14+ vets) on different continents. I've owned and managed four of my own veterinary practices, brought several innovations to the world of veterinary business and travelled the world speaking and publishing content to help people and practices get along better.
In all of this time, one thing has never left me, that I love being a vet and I love this industry. It is the most rewarding job I can imagine. Whether it's serving pet owners in the consultation room or, meeting vets while on the road at conferences, or working with practice owners globally to help build better workplaces. I love being a part of this space. And I want to leave it better than I found it. ​
Let’s talk about what you can expect from me.
Perhaps this is your first encounter with me or your first time on this website. If so, welcome! If you have an interest in improving your life in veterinary medicine you will find lots of fantastic free content in the form of blog posts, podcasts, webinars, reports and more posted via my email list, blog and social media spaces. This content will add tremendous value to your performance, productivity and happiness.
Why do I offer all of this value freely? I’ll be upfront with you (as I am with all my clients). I provide these free, actionable goodies because when you put some of this information to work and see results, you’ll start to build trust in my ability. I hope that you'll share the same belief I have and want to create your own part of veterinary medicine where life is good.
Maybe that's going to be a project like helping you find the right role, find direction or uncover your purpose within my VetX community.
Or, it might be that you are struggling to run your business, it has stopped feeling like fun and now hangs around your neck like a lead weight. Or you might have big plans to take on the world and want to get it right the first time. In which case, perhaps, using me as your coach or joining my Leaders community will be right for you?
Then the real fun starts. As long as you and I believe the same thing, that life in veterinary medicine can be successful and happy for everyone. Then we'll work together great!
So, if you are still thinking “Hmmm, I’m still a not convinced” then that’s totally cool. The easiest way to work out if you think we’ll be a good match for each other or not is to try some of my free content. If you like it, then you’ll almost certainly enjoy my paid content. If you don’t then you won’t. Easy. No harm done. (PS - 90% of my content I give away freely. And anything you pay for comes with a no risk, satisfaction guarrantee.)
My career…(in brief)
So anyway, at some point on these “about me” pages I’m suppose to start spouting how awesome I am and it sucks to be anyone else….
So I’m going to make this as painless as possible by putting it into infographic form.
OK, that’s over with. So now let’s talk about some specifics.
Exactly how I can help you grow as a person or practice….
If you are a vet in practice, then I have a brilliant community that is 100% dedicated to teaching you the life skills to thrive as a vet. There are lessons, toolkits, a facebook group, podcasts and a newsletter. It's called Thrive and it's completely free!
If you are a practice owner, especially (but in no way exclusively) if you are own an independent practice and you struggle with strategy, hiring people, or managing your team, then you will want to check out my Leaders course and community. It's changing lives all over the world!
I take on a very small number of clients in a coaching capacity each year, usually, these are CEO level of organisations with revenue above a certain threshold. But if you are passionate about getting better at what you do and want a coach to be your sounding board or accountability partner or just someone who will listen and help you to stay on track without judgement, then please do get in touch.
Finally, I also write books, host one of the original and most listend to podcasts (Blunt Dissection), and speak at events globally. ​So if you'd like to buy a book, listen to my show, or come see me speak, that would be amazing!
In short, if you are committed to building a great career and culture, AND willing to show up and do the hard work needed to thrive... I'd be delighted to talk.
What’s your next step?
The best move you can take now is to head to my blog and podcast page The Hamster Wheel, and listen or read some of the content there. Very often they will link to a free resource I offer. So go ahead and download the resource and if it looks like a good fit, put the information to work for you. That’s totally on me. And if that’s as far as we go then thanks for stopping by.
But if you like what you found there, then buy a book, or course (graduate, or leadership), a t-shirt or schedule a coaching call. I’m confident you’ll be glad you did. And in the extremely unlikely event that you don’t feel like you got value, be aware that every single product and service I offer is backed by a satisfaction guarantee.
So that's me, now over to you. What do you believe? And what action are you going to take to make your dreams a reality? Let's talk.
Dr Dave Nicol

Stay in touch with me
Keep up to date with everything I post and publish.
My business profile and also where I post opportunities to work in one of my businesses.
My life in photos & video. The place I spend most of my time and find most positive.
For video blogs, free educational content and video versions of my podcasts.
All of my podcasts are available on iTunes, subscribe here.
Listen to any of my podcasts, SYAV, VLSS or Blunt Dissection on Spotify
Get in touch via email for business enquiries.