Essential Lessons No One Teaches in Vet School!
From avoiding burnout to getting paid what you’re worth, each chapter is packed with practical advice to kickstart your career.
Supercharge your journey into veterinary medicine.
"An essential read for all young veterinary professionals" - Professor Stuart Carmichael

Start Your Veterinary Career
on the Right Track!
For the past decade, I have been convinced of two things in veterinary medicine.
Firstly, that we are doing something wrong with human capital as there is an alarming dropout rate from our profession.
Secondly, that new graduates are the future and we should be spending a lot more time and effort making sure that the next generation of vets like you are looked after better. For to destroy the new vets of today, is to destroy the veterinary industry of tomorrow.
As such, and because I think talk alone is cheap, I have spent many years planning, running and improving a general practice internship program that offers a supportive and nurturing route for new graduates as they leave college and start on their journey into the world of veterinary medicine.
I was fortunate to have a good start in my life as a vet and throughout my career have been coached and mentored by some wonderful people. What follows in these pages is my way of saying thanks and passing on this good fortune.
You’ll find as much relevant knowledge as I thought would be useful at the beginning of your career. Quite literally stuff I wish someone had told me on day one. It would have saved a lot of time stress and errors if they had.
Get Your Copy Today!

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Narrated by Dr. Dave Nicol
Who's It For?
Chapter List
The Top 5 Reasons New Graduates Get Sued — And How To Avoid Them
Your Health And Wellness – How Not To Become Another Tragic Statistic
Finding Your Clinical Feet
Dealing with Death: There’s A Small Almost Imperceptible Price to Pay…
How To Choose Your First Job
Hero or Villain? Building and Maintaining Your Professional Standing
Beat Blame Culture By Being A Great Leader Straight Out Of College
Where Will Your Career Take You?
Reactive Medicine Or Active Wellness Care - How Your Practice Makes A Big Difference
The material contained in this invaluable book took 20 years to learn and two years to write. My hope is that you can take the lessons described and put them to work for you in your veterinary career, in the process enjoying a better start and a great springboard for your career as a result.
Essential Veterinary Lessons

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Narrated by Dr. Dave Nicol